1 April 2012

April Fools Day at CANstruction Vancouver 2012

CANstruction Vancouver 2012

On April 1, I decided to check out Canstruction Vancouver, an annual design competition to "CANstruct" giant sculptures made entirely out of canned food.  This is a competition which takes place in over 180 cities worldwide.  100% of the food and donations gathered from the displays will go to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank for distribution.
The displays are spread between four office buildings within a 5 blocks of eachother. The displays run until Wednesday, April 4. 

If you are visiting downtown Vancouver or looking for something to do on your lunch break, visit:
  1. Lobby of the Four Seasons Hotel (791 West Georgia Street)
  2. Lobby of the HSBC Pendulum (888 West Georgia Street)
  3. Lobby of the Fortis Building (1075 West Georgia Street) 
  4. Lobby of the Fluor Building (1111 West Georgia Street)
Here are some of what you will see:


Lion's Gate Bridge (CANstruction Vancouver 2012)

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